


Welcome! I'm Leah. Here you'll find stories and experiences from a year-long trip abroad, but also a glimpse into the before and after. My husband, Will, and I left our comfort zone in Washington D.C. at the end of 2017 to explore and learn about how others live. But how did we get here? What triggered this decision? And what do we plan to do upon our return?

I try to answer this in threefold: Journal - The Year Before includes past reflections in my personal journal on the dishes, experiences, and overarching sense of restlessness that led to our year away. Adventures - The Year Away includes a documentation of our travels during our year abroad. And lastly, Cooking In - The Year After includes how the year will inevitably impact us.

I'm inspired most by open individuals, fresh ingredients, and fulfilling moments. Although the unknown can be daunting, I'm intrigued by the adage: The further you travel, the less you know. I'd love if you joined me on this adventure before, during, and after the year away!